Newraj Interior Official

Selling Cheap Curtains in Bali

Currently, the existence of a minimalist house is quite popular in the community and can be found anywhere. The thing that triggers the presence of this minimalist home can be caused by the high price of land and limited space to build. Minimalist houses have characteristics, namely, the area is not large. Although the size is not like a house in general, a minimalist house is very easy to arrange because there is not much room to tidy up.

When you want to arrange a minimalist home to make it look simple, orderly, and classy, ​​you have to consider several things in the selection of interior objects. This selection was made to avoid saturation of the room when combined with several interior objects. One thing to consider is choosing the right curtains for your minimalist room.

The first thing to note starts from the curtain model. The existence of curtains is very diverse in the market. You should know and study all the models of curtains in advance. For a minimalist home design, it’s a good idea to choose curtains that are simple and adapted to the wall paint of your minimalist room.

Other things that must also be considered for example the color, motif, and theme of the room. The choice of colors and motifs must be adjusted to the theme of the room so as not to give the impression of being excessive. For a minimalist home, it is better to avoid motifs or curtain patterns that are too crowded. If the color of the walls is plain themed, you can combine curtains with appropriate motifs and colors.