Newraj Interior Official

Quality Curtains In Bali

Please note that choosing a curtain model by setting a high price is not a determinant of its feasibility in decorating the interior of your room. The quality of these curtains can be determined from the accuracy of the selected curtains according to needs. For example, when you want to decorate a minimalist type of house, you can simply use simple curtains. However, several things are important and must be considered in choosing curtains. Read this article until the end because, after this, tips will be presented to make it easier for you to choose quality curtains.

Here are tips for choosing quality curtains for your windows:

  1. Determine the size of the material

The first tip is to determine the size of the curtain material. Because the main function of the curtains is to protect the contents of the house, the size of the curtains must be precise and paid attention to. To determine this size you can choose the size of the curtains a few inches larger than the height and width of the window. Measuring this window is very necessary. If the size of the curtains is too short then the room will not be covered and protected perfectly. Meanwhile, if the size of the curtain is too large it will damage the beauty of the room itself.

  1. Determine the material

    The second tip is to determine the material for the curtains. There are many materials that can be used to make curtains such as silk, velvet, cotton, and so on. You can choose the curtain material according to the needs of the room. If your home concept prioritizes privacy in each room and can prevent exposure to light entering from outside, you can use blackout-type curtains. Meanwhile, if you want the impression of a luxurious room, then you can use curtains of materials such as velvet.

  2. Determine colors and motif

    The third tip is to determine the color and motif of the curtains. If your room has a minimalist concept, then you can use a plain curtain color without a motif. Meanwhile, if your room seems too quiet, you can use a slightly brighter color of the curtains with a combination of simple motifs. Always pay attention to the right color for your curtains so that they don’t contrast too much with the interior model of the house. For those of you who need quality curtains in Bali, New Raj Interior can be the solution. This company provides various types of curtains with very diverse colors and motifs. Here is also equipped with the manufacture and installation of curtains. You don’t need to worry about the performance of this company because the experts here have worked professionally and have more than 5 years of experience. Consult immediately by contacting us at 088851122222.