Wallpaper Bahan Kain

Bahan wallpaper berbahan serat kain sudah banyak digunakan oleh banyak orang. Bahan ini mempunyai ciri khas yaitu lebih ulet sehingga tidak mudah merusak dinding setelah dipasang wallpaper. Keunggulan dari wallpaper ini ialah mudah dicuci kembali bila terkena air dan debu. Dengan demikian, keawetan wallpaper kain sangat terjamin dan sangat cocok direkomendasikan di berbagai jenis ruangan.Wallpaper material made from cloth fiber has been widely used by many people. This material has a characteristic that is more ductile so it is not easy to damage the wall after the wallpaper is installed. The advantage of this wallpaper is that it is easy to wash again when exposed to water and dust. Thus, the durability of cloth wallpaper is guaranteed and is very suitable to be recommended in various types of rooms.