Decorating the kitchen is not easy because the area is quite narrow. As a reference, you can imitate a number of studio apartment kitchen set designs below!

1. All-White Kitchen

To separate the function of the room, use a different wall for the kitchen area. For example, the walls are covered with white ceramics. Then, because the space requirement is very little, it is enough to use a small kitchen table. Kitchen utensils are stored in hanging cabinets and cupboards under the kitchen table.

2. Minimalist Kitchen Decoration

If you have a hobby of cooking, you can imitate the kitchen set above. almost half of the room is used as a kitchen area. In order not to be cramped, you need a cupboard that is tall and large enough to store various items. Then, use a kitchen table that has a cupboard at the bottom. The size of the kitchen table is also not too big, so that there is still room for a refrigerator in your small room.

3. Kitchen in a Cupboard

For those of you who like practical things, it fits perfectly with the design of this one kitchen set. This kitchen set looks like a large cupboard, in which there is a place to store all kitchen functions. Starting from a small cooking area, sink, refrigerator, storage cabinet to oven.

4. Kitchen Set Compact

In order to save space, you can combine the function of the kitchen with a laundry place. The trick, you can buy a cupboard that can fit a washing machine and a refrigerator at the bottom.

5. Kitchen Set in the Corner of the Room

If you are confused about where to put the kitchen set, use the unused space. Unused areas are usually found in the corner of the room. Because the area is narrow, optimize this area to function as a kitchen. Use a small kitchen table, which is important, you can wash dishes and cook. Then, use a hanging cupboard that is large enough to store a lot of furniture such as plates, glasses and others.